within an inch of...

within an inch of...
на волосок от, чуть не, вот-вот

The girl's father was an ignorant mad brute who was within an inch of murdering me. (G. Eliot, ‘The Mill on the Floss’, ch. VIII) — Отец девушки - грубое, тупое животное. Он чуть было не убил меня.

‘Lewis,’ she said, ‘I've asked Charles if he minds my speaking to Mr. L... He was within an inch of going himself, and yet he simply can't.’ (C. P. Show, ‘The Conscience of the Rich’, ch. XXVII) — - Льюис, - сказала Катарина, - я спросила Чарльза, не будет ли он возражать, если я сама поговорю с мистером Л... Он сам чуть было не пошел к нему, но он просто не в состоянии.

He was within an inch of being killed by a random shot. — Он чуть не погиб от случайного выстрела.

Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. - М.: «Русский язык-Медиа».. 2006.

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Смотреть что такое "within an inch of..." в других словарях:

  • within\ an\ inch\ of — • within an inch of informal • within an inch of adv. phr. Almost but not quite; very close to; nearly. Tim came within an ace of losing the election. John was within an inch of drowning before he was pulled out of the water. Compare: by the skin …   Словарь американских идиом

  • within an inch of — phrasal : almost to the point of : nearly to : very near broke down when we were within an inch of our destination came within an inch of death * * * within an inch of Very close to • • • Main Entry: ↑inch * * * very close to her mouth was within …   Useful english dictionary

  • within an inch of — phrasal almost to the point of < came within an inch of succeeding > …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • within an inch of one's life — {adv. phr.} Until you are almost dead; near to dying. * /The bear clawed the hunter within an inch of his life./ Often used after to . * /The prize fighter was beaten to within an inch of his life./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • within an inch of one's life — {adv. phr.} Until you are almost dead; near to dying. * /The bear clawed the hunter within an inch of his life./ Often used after to . * /The prize fighter was beaten to within an inch of his life./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • within an inch of something doing something — within an ˈinch of sth/of doing sth idiom very close to sth/doing sth • She was within an inch of being killed. • They beat him (to) within an inch of his life (= very severely). Main entry: ↑inch …   Useful english dictionary

  • within an inch of of doing something — within an ˈinch of sth/of doing sth idiom very close to sth/doing sth • She was within an inch of being killed. • They beat him (to) within an inch of his life (= very severely). Main entry: ↑inch …   Useful english dictionary

  • within an inch of your life — within an inch of (your/its) life nearly completely. Caroline hoped the information she had would frighten Mr. Mott within an inch of his life …   New idioms dictionary

  • within an inch of its life — within an inch of (your/its) life nearly completely. Caroline hoped the information she had would frighten Mr. Mott within an inch of his life …   New idioms dictionary

  • within an inch of life — within an inch of (your/its) life nearly completely. Caroline hoped the information she had would frighten Mr. Mott within an inch of his life …   New idioms dictionary

  • within an inch of someone's life — To the point where there is danger of death • • • Main Entry: ↑inch …   Useful english dictionary

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